10 Signs Your Relationship Is at the Verge of Tearing Apart

We Like to talk about equal right in respecting each other's interests, in theory it's all good but as soon as it get down to practice, everything appears in a different light. What seems to be an equality turns out to be a feminist.

The question is can you see it at first glance?, do you believe that financial independence from your partner is what you need?, this sometimes have to deal with your stress and worries alone.

Are you constantly compared with someone else by your partner?, especially when the comparison is not in your favor. Take a break and think for a moment, maybe the horizon of your relationship are becoming so apparent as you believe them to be.

In this Post, 10 Signs Your Relationship is At the Verge of Falling Apart, you will get to know some frequently occurring situations. perhaps, they will help you to see your relationship from a new perspective.


Everyday, you go out of your way to hurry for groceries after work and cook breakfast, lunch and dinner maybe because your partner is someone who's used to eating well? You get another job because you can't afford the whims of your beloved, aren't your wages enough for two? Don't you think it's unfair and you know it's even more unfair when it is you who always sacrifices their feeling.

You would probably agree that sometimes there are cases when you have to put aside what ever you feel to support your partner in a very difficult and challenging situation, but if you have to do that constantly, well it sucks. If the ground around partner seems to be covered with eggshells and you are walking on them, start to think very soon you will feel completely emotionally drained and exhausted.


Your partner lives in your houses, and you share food expense equally?, Either of you has several bottles of products in the bathroom bought specifically for yourselves?, You cook and clean up in turns?, Seems everything is all right here. But still unfair!!! Also it's very unfair in such a situation when there is no talk about the future when that is all you are waiting for.

Sure it doesn't refer to partners who've been only dating for a short period of time otherwise it should be an alarming sign if your partner tries to avoid speaking about the future of your relationship by any means they might not take it seriously or don't see you as their life partner. And it is just not fair to you.


You don't offer each other financial support in times of trouble because everyone knows money spoils relationships. There's even a saying that goes, "If you want to lose a friend, lend him money." It's Unfair!. Another alarm bell here is that you are independent from each other not financially but with your free time as well.

One day, you must catch yourself thinking that you would rather spending evening or two with your friends rather than with your partner. It's absolutely normal to spend time away from each other from time to time but if this thought becomes your constant companion and if you don't dream on having some quality time tete-a-tete with your partner, ask yourself " Is this relationship working a it should?".


You know for sure you can't afford to fall ill because no one would take care of you?, You think your partner will do well without your care because they're not your child?, You can't ask them to look after your pet or flowers while you are away?. You should know for sure that there's definitely something wrong with this relationship. The reason for more concern is more evident if there's no trust.

Does your partner let you down all the time?, they cancel meetings, forget about birthdays, fails to buy a much-needed medicine. It's upsetting frustrating but worst of all it also kills the trust that exists between you. And what kind of a relationship can it be without trust?


You quit trying to tell your partner about your feelings because you know there will be no compassion?, all you will hear will be a bit indifferent: " Don't worry, everybody fails. You'll get over it." Oh, maybe you have just heard a warning bell that your relationship is breaking apart!.

You don't ask each other for advice because you have no idea what the others life is about. You don't feel support when you desperately need it, that's definitely not a sign of a harmonic relationship. Sometimes, your beloved instead of trying to help you to cope with the stress of everyday life, adds to it in a very peculiar way.

Answer one question please. Does your partner like to correct you whenever an opportunity arises?. Well, it helps them to feel on top, making you feel stupid or belittle especially if it is a common occurrence. If your position seems to be constantly one down, don't put up with it. You are worth so much more.


Think of your friend or your partner: Would you make a sandwich for them? How about taking them out to dinner? How about taking thirty minutes to drive them to their work? What if they're sick and they need you to take care of them? Although these scenarios are increasing in difficulty, you probably would do them for someone you really care for, at least once. But if you don’t want to make this kind of effort for them, then your relationship might have some underlying issues that need addressing. Without effort, you have no relationship and your marriage will be falling apart.


You're approached for not being able to repair a leaking pipe in the kitchen?, You are ashamed for your pasta which is not nearly as delicious as your partner's mom's?, You're required to start earning " Like A Man" or be " A Good Housewife"?, It's not Fair!!!. And if such approaches are followed by the silent treatment, too bad. It is a kind of emotional manipulation.

You are unaware of what to expect and perhaps don't even know what you have done wrong. Accordingly to psychologist, the person who uses it longs for power and control of the situation. But that's not fair.


You find that you've got too little space on the shelves, although you occupy less than half?, Several of your canvas have been thrown out because " Now it's easier to breath"?, Your needs aren't equal to your partner's?. Do you believe it's exactly the way relationships works?. And just maybe you don't feel loved. Every person's on this planet want to get some love, it's natural and if this needs isn't satisfied by your partner or if they don't even know how to make you feel loved, it could mean the relationship you have might be doomed.


If you have that gut feeling that something is going on behind your back, or that your partner has checked out, you're (sadly) probably right. And one indicator of this is secrets, or the ever-present suspicion of them. "They have become more secretive about where they are, who they are with, [and] who they are talking to," Martinez says. Of course this can go both ways, so take note of your own desire to be sketchy and secretive.


Every day doesn’t have to be filled with amazing things. There will be hard patches with lots of darkness and a few bright lights in the middle. But when the relationship feels like it's stuck in a dark tunnel with no lights visible ahead, there might be a problem.

One last thing to remember. If you feel any kind of dependency from your partner, be it emotional, psychological or financial dependency. It's an important sign to rethink your relationship. Sometimes it is not too late to come to a compromise or persuade your partner to change their behavior.

If you have ever found yourself in a situation similar to any of the one we have described, kindly share your experience using the comment box below. Remember to Share this post to your friends.

If there is anything I got wrong also or if you have a differing opinion, let me know in the comments below. Thank you and good luck to you all!

Open Heaven 31 January 2019 - THE PRICE OF BEING STANDARD

Open Heaven 31 January 2019 - THE PRICE FOR BEING STANDARD

Topic:   The Price of Being a Standard (Open Heaven 31 January 2019)

Memorize: “Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in the province of Babylon.”- Daniel 3:30

Read: Daniel 3:14-18

14 Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them, Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up?
15 Now if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the image which I have made; well: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?

16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.
17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
Bible in One Year:  Luke 10-11, Isaiah 29:1-14

Open Heaven 31 January 2019 Thursday MESSAGE:

The price of being a standard or trailblazer is indeed very high. Self-discipline will be required of you if you desire to be a standard among your contemporaries. Speaking on this, 1 Corinthians 9:25 & 27 says:

“25 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. 27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are good examples of people who paid the price to be a standard. Although they were captives in a strange land, they stood up to be counted for their loyalty to the God of Israel, even though it came at a high price that required them to pass through King Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace. One point to note from this story is that the king’s decree was not only directed at the Hebrew boys; it was for all officials in the realm of the king, including a number of other Jews. Only God knows how many of those other Jews allowed their faith to be compromised in order to avert the King’s anger. I suppose they were many. In any case, the stand taken by the three Hebrew boys was the price they had to pay to become standards for the other Jews to follow. We must learn from Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego that to become a standard, we must first stand out.

John the Baptist was another person who paid a high price to become a standard. Whoever wants to succeed in life and ministry like him must not be given to uncontrollable appetite for delicacies and fashion. John the Baptist ate wild honey and locusts which he found in the wilderness, and his wardrobe contains only coats of animal skins (Mark 1:6). He therefore had no dependencies on anyone. So, when the time came for him to tell the raw truth to the adulterous King Herod, he was not worried about missing out on any royal banquets or privileges (Matthew 14:1-12). Although John the Baptist paid the supreme price for speaking out against the king, our Lord Jesus Christ had this to say concerning him in Luke 7:28a:

“For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist:”

After the three Hebrew boys went through the fiery furnace unhurt, the king acknowledged the Majesty of their God and promoted them in Babylon (Daniel 3:30). Beloved, there is a price of holiness to pay if you want to stand out and become a standard.

Open Heaven 31 January 2019 Thursday Prayer Point:

Father, please empower me to pay the price of greatness, and cause me to be great before I see You in glory.

Open Heaven 31 January 2019 Thursday Hymn 10: I Have Decided To Follow Jesus

I have decided to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
I have decided to follow Jesus;
No turning back, no turning back.

The world behind me, the cross before me;
The world behind me, the cross before me;
The world behind me, the cross before me;
No turning back, no turning back.

Though none go with me, I still will follow;
Though none go with me, I still will follow;
Though none go with me, I still will follow
No turning back, no turning back.

My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
No turning back, no turning back.

Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
No turning back, no turning back.

"She is a disgrace to Womanhood" - Nigerian Man Who Murdered his Wife Says

"She is a disgrace to Womanhood" - Nigerian Man Who Murdered his Wife

32-years old Jibrin Abu, pictured above has been arrested by the police officer in Niger State for allegedly beating up his wife to death with a log of wood because of the fact that she doesn't respect him.

According to police reports, Abu who hails from Dabogi town in Lapai, made use of a piece of wood to smack the life out of his wife for not listening to his instructions that she should quit chatting with men with her phone.

Abu in his statement said that his wife is a disgrace to womanhood. He blamed her for bringing men into their matrimonial home and that he killed her to stop her from disgracing his family name.

“I used a plank of wood to kill her after several warnings for her to desist from taking calls from men in my house. I have been suspecting that my wife was sleeping around with other men in my village but in the heat of the argument, I killed her. My late wife brought men into our matrimonial home and my culture abhors such an act; that was why I killed her to save the family from the shame,” he added.

Abubakar, the state police representative has stated that Abu would be charged to court soon.

Rapper Kash Doll Shares Full Display of her Hourglass figure

Rapper Kash Doll Shares Full  Display of her Hourglass figure

American Model and rapper, Kash Doll sets the internet on Frenzy as she posted this uncouth new photograph of herself presenting in her clothing on Instagram.

Guys Come and See This Make-Up. LOL

Guys Come and See This Make-Up..LOL

What the hell is this?

Will someone call this one make-up or what...LOL!!!. Make Say you voice out using the comment box.

Something is Definitely Wrong Here... Check it Out

Something is Definitely Wrong Here... Check it Out

Have You seen what am Talking about...

PHOTO: Blac Chyna and her new lover, Kid Buu Fighting Violently In Hawaii after Accusing him of Cheating - Till Police Got Involved

PHOTO: Blac Chyna and her new lover, Kid Buu Fighting Violently In Hawaii - Till Police Got Involved

The Paramedics and Police were called on Black Chyna, and Kid Buu, are new Boyfriend after a violent fight broke out between the lovers who are presently on Vacation in Hawaii.

TMZ gave an account Monday that the two, both 30-years of age, got in a warmed contention in their lodging at the Ritz-Carlton in Honolulu – TMZ's source stated that Chyna blamed Kid Buu for cheating on her before the argument emitted and it turned violent.

The source added that Chyna scratched Kid Buu, who then in return hammered her against the wall several times and stifled her. The police and paramedics were called not long after the battle at the Four Seasons hotel in Honolulu, where Chyna and her man lodged. 

PHOTO: Blac Chyna and her new lover, Kid Buu Fighting Violently In Hawaii - Till Police Got Involved

The mother of two was not taken to the clinic as TMZ reports that nobody was badly injured. In any case, after Kid Buu left the hotel, he posted in Spanish … interpretation – "Don't f**k with me, I'm a grown man." He lined it up with a homophobic slur.

The fight comes just some hours after Chyna posted romantic photos of them on her Instagram stories...LMAO.

Upcoming artiste assaults young Girls who accommodated him

Upcoming artiste assaults young Girls who accommodated him

Xcellente, an upcoming singer has been allegedly accused of assaulting some really young girls who received him in their apartment.

From one of the ladies, whose name was identified as Zarah, Xcellente allegedly pounce on them after he felt they were behaving rudely to him.

Upcoming artiste assaults young Girls who accommodated him

Sharing a video clip of the aftermath of the assault, Zarah wrote alongside it,

dis guy @xcellente is an upcoming artiste dat has no house,he came begging for accommodation in our apartment which he was later given a room in desame house I live in…on Sunday night,my friend called our gate man (Obinna) to get airtime for her and @xcellente told her dat she can’t send de gate and called her names. 
And she told him dat he has not blown bt yet he is so rude wat if he becomes next wiz kid or Davido he will jst step on everyone….he got up and started beating her….my only crime was dat I pleaded wit him to stop beating her den he jumped to me..now he is no where to b found….wat if dis happens to ur sis or girlfriend or wife will u jst sit back?

Final year student kills himself due to his poor GPA and he couldn’t graduate with his mates

Final year student kills himself due to his poor GPA  and he couldn’t graduate with his mates

A final year student allegedly committed suicide due to his poor GPA result. According to a Twitter user, Kofi, the student took his life on the 27th of January 27, this past Sunday.

Here's What Kofi wrote;

He killed himself because his GPA wasn’t good enough and he feared he wouldn’t graduate with Us. This is the story of our mate who lost his life Yesterday. Every final year student having a hard time, Just hang in there fam. We go make am regardless of the GPA. #StayWoke
Final year student kills himself due to his poor GPA  and he couldn’t graduate with his mates

Final year student kills himself due to his poor GPA  and he couldn’t graduate with his mates

SEE This Madly HUGE Dog

SEE This Madly HUGE Dog

Never Mind It Stature, It doesn't Bite.

AMAZING: Woman finds her brother who was given up for adoption 17 years ago after she her search to Twitter to beg for help in finding him

AMAZING: Woman finds her brother who was given up for adoption 17 years ago after she her search to Twitter to beg for help in finding him

Twitter has done its thing again as a lady who was searching for her long lost sibling, that was given up for adoption 17 years ago, discovered him after she took her search to Twitter.

@nessaaf_18 shared photos of her brother and tweeted that she would love to find him. She said that her mum lost control of her and her two siblings and all three of them were placed in a foster home. Later, her father was able to take control of her and her sister but he couldn't take her brother Joey (Ramon Joseph Perez) because he isn't his biological child.

 The boy was given up for adoption and for 17 years, they heard nothing from or about him.

 After the lady shared the story on Twitter, she later returned to inform her followers that she has found her brother.

 Read her tweets below.

PHOTOS: See What a Jealous Former Wife did to her Ex-husband current Lover

PHOTOS: See What a Jealous Former Wife did to her Ex-husband current Lover

According to Gulmayuwa, a hausa news website, the lady whose picture is above was attacked by her present husband ex-wife with a razor blade. However, the location where the incident actually occured was not stated.

MUST READ: 5 Shocking Facts About Love You Should Know

MUST READ: 5 Shocking Facts About Love You Should Know

Researchers everywhere throughout the world are always looking for answers to the biggest mysterious questions known to man – even those that as to do with love and relationship. And on a daily basis, specialists everywhere throughout the world are making significant strides in the information that they get in this field also.

Most particularly as of late, researchers have thought of some extremely astounding realities about love and affection. There is plenty of myths which have been propagated everywhere throughout the years that have been exposed.

Check Also: Hints Your Partner is Cheating on You

Yet, there is likewise a great deal of new valuable exposure that may turn out to be useful with how we behave in our relationships too. And other times, a bunch of this information will just be a “good to know” kind of deal.

1. Brilliant Men are Less Likely to Cheat on Their Partner.

A group of scientist at the Saint Louis University have as of late found out that men who had higher IQ levels have a low tendency of cheating on their partner. This hypothesis became solid after a result of surveys spanning thousands of grown-ups and young adult. The information was conclusive.

The more intelligent the man was, the more he respects sexual monogamy and loyalty in the relationship. Be that as it may, when a similar report was directed on ladies, it didn't really decipher a similar way. I.Q. didn't generally affect whether ladies were inclined to cheating or not.

2. All modern marriages are going to require self-actualization.

Nowadays, the reason why many get married is not really for love but because of their selfish needs. Usually, a lot of people are so ambitious in this contemporary age. And there are well aware that if they are in marriage it will help push them to achieve their goals and dreams because human function more effectively as a unit than alone.

3. Looking At the Picture of Someone You Love Helps Reduce The Effect of Pains on the Body.

Research has shown that some chemicals from the brain are released when you see the picture of someone you love and that these chemicals act as a pain reliever to the body. This same result can also be triggered by feeling the physical touch of a loved one or by experiencing a sexual orgasm. That is why you shouldn’t hesitate to seek the comfort of a loved one whenever you have a headache.

4. People who live together for more than two decades develop similar facial features.

Scientists from the University of Michigan recently just investigated the marvel of the resemblance of the physical appearances between married couples. The discoveries have appeared to show that after 25 years of being as one, individuals can create comparable facial characteristics.

5. Some Many Things Depends on the First Kiss.

For example, are you aware that an examination that was directed by researchers at the University of Oxford has demonstrated that maybe the first kiss can be utilized as a measurement to check the potential of a relationship's sustainability? When in doubt, kisses are continually going to be significant with regards to deciding the longevity and quality of a romantic and lovely relationship.

In the end, there is still a lot to learn about love and relationships. There is still so much that we don’t understand about romance. Tell me what you think about this article via the comment section below.

See Also: Guys: How to Flirt With Any Lady

Simi celebrates Adekunle Gold's 32nd birthday with A Very Romantic Message (See Message)

Simi celebrates Adekunle Gold' s 32nd birthday

Singer Simi, took to her social media handle to celebrate the Light of her life Adekunle on his 32nd birthday. She wrote a very emotional and heartfelt message to him.

Here's her message;

"Light of my life. I love you. I also really like you and the way you do ur tins.
I’m such a lucky babe. You’re also lucky af, but iss ur beday, so yea, let’s focus on the celebrant. ☺️ I know God knows how much I want you to shine and prosper and win and laugh and be happy, so I pray God grants my heart desires. Happy birthday Champ. �' "

Though she disabled comment on the post, For reasons best known to her.

Nigerian lady loses her Masters Admission and Schorlaship because of ASUU STRIKE

Nigerian lady loses her Masters Admission and Schorlaship because of ASUU STRIKE

A Nigerian girl is as of now counting her loses due to the effect of the indefinite ASUU strike. In a post shared on her Facebook page, Nwede Chiamaka Stella Maris, uncovered that she just lost her Masters Degree admission and Scholarship to a South African University attributable to the ASUU strike. She wrote;

''Sad Saturday
I lost my master admission from university of cape town south Africa scholarship for final years student from South African women in science and engineering (SAWISE)
I lose the scholarship and admission because I was not able to submit my complete transcript and reference letters.( one of my wicked lecturer I mention his name as referee disappointed me, even thou I told him before submitting it ).
Asuu,NANS and FG continue
So painful
After my struggle
After my wonderful essay
After gaining admission to best university in African
After gaining best scholarship from SAWISE
Master that suppose to start in November or December
All of them is now a waste
My village people
Not angry much cos I just apply for it to try my luck for the first time

Nigerian lady loses her Masters Admission and Schorlaship because of ASUU STRIKE

Onnoghen's suspension: ''You have grossly abused the Principle of Separation of Power, You are a Grave danger '' Oby Ezekwesili tells President Buhari

Oby Ezekwesili, ex-minister of Education, has reacted and condemned president Muhammadu Buhari for suspending the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen.

She took to her Twitter handle to react to the situation, Ezekwesili said President Buhari is a grave danger to our democracy. See more of her tweets below..

See Kylie Jenner's Makeup Free Face

See Kylie Jenner's Makeup Free Face

Kylie Jenner decides to go makeup free today as she showed off her natural beauty face on her IG story.

She went all natural as she prepares to take on a makeup tutorial.

See Kylie Jenner's Makeup Free Face

"I Regret That I Voted For Buhari" - K - solo

"I Regret That I Voted For Buhari" - K - solo

Popular Music producer, K-solo has reacted to the late behavior of president Muhammadu Buhari and said he regrets ever voting for President Buhari in 2015. 

See tweets;

"I Regret That I Voted For Buhari" - K - solo

"I Regret That I Voted For Buhari" - K - solo

"I Regret That I Voted For Buhari" - K - solo

Dabota Lawson Displays bikini body

Dabota Lawson Displays bikini body

Dabota Lawson, ex-beauty queen puts her body on display as she poses in a pink swimsuit.

The mum of one sizzled in the sexy one piece which she combined with an astonishing frilly coat.

More photos;

Dabota Lawson Displays bikini body

Dabota Lawson Displays bikini body

PHOTOS: Bobrisky and Nina all Loved up Together and Makeup

It seems Bobrisky, Nigeria cross dresser and former Big Brother Naija housemate ,Nina are now friends again.

Bobrisky who was a great supporter of Nina when she was on the show, fell out with her for pitching her tent siding with his arch enemy,Toyin Lawani.

However, that's in the past now as the two were all loved up at sola Sobola’s birthday party a few weeks ago.

Nina shared the photos on Instagram.

6 Hints That Your Partner Is Cheating On You

6 Hints That Your Partner Is Cheating On You

Cheating is the biggest weapon that causes big destruction in your relationship or marriage; it is now considered treachery of the promises they took when they were getting married. The moment this mischevious act is discovered by the other partner, it can either break the marriage or make it stronger depending on the weight of their love for one another.

When you cheat is means you are not completely satisfied with your present lover or maybe you have a feeling of emptiness in the relationship. On the off chance that you were totally infatuated and upbeat inside your relationship, why it may happen that your accomplice takes part in an extramarital entanglement?

Trust is an integral reason, not of your lover, but rather yourself. Most likely for quite a while, you have detected something is unique or questioned the change of attitude in your accomplice.

There's no one that wants to be cheated on, regardless what state your marriage is in and on the off chance that you have the feeling that your partner is having an extra affair, this is the opportunity to look at it and perform a little examination just to be certain without a doubt.

Begin by checking out for the conspicuous things, for example, a change in the manner in which your lover dresses, a sudden want to look great, an adjustment in work patterns, a bizarre enthusiasm for the recreation center, privacy over telephone calls or messages, lost closeness in your marriage, absence of sexual intrigue or separation between you that never used to exist. In the most pessimistic scenario, you may spy him/her. A tricking spouse can cause much emotional trauma.

Here are some clues of information that may assist you to see whether your partner is taking part in an extramarital relationship.

1.Changes in appearance and behavior. 

She spends more take than usual with her appearance. She is progressively interested on how she looks; go regularly to a hair salon and even to an exercising center, even when all of these wasn't her primary aim before.

2.decrease in the level of your intimacy. 

Maybe usually in the past, you used to share everything with your other half and now all of a sudden she appears distanced from you and shuts up when you attempt to talk about close things, it could imply that she has just separated herself sincerely and rationally from you. She is all of a sudden cold and loses any interest in doing anything with you.

3. She's being more secretive than ever before.

She's never again sharing her everyday situations with you. She may push herself away from you because she feels remorseful. Try not to get paranoid and suspicious, ask as to whether all is well and tell her she's been acting somehow lately.

4. Loss of interest in family. 

In the event that your wife is no longer eager to meet you at the entryway from work, there must be an issue here. Or on the other hand when your accomplice feels the sudden need to go out attempt to go with her. If she then comes up with a reason that she needs to go without anyone else push the issue, not excessively but rather sufficiently only to check whether she turns out to be progressively awkward.

5.More telephone and web. 

Maybe the last time you heard her on the phone she spoke a lot at the phone with a soft tone or then again whisper on the telephone and hangs up rapidly. Perhaps maybe she has set up another email account and doesn't let you know. Also be observant, she may have purchased a new phone and doesn't tell you. Ask her if she is being truthful with you and if she becomes accusatory then it is obvious that she is cheating you.

6. She comes home late always. 

In the past she never came home late however at this point this happens to an ever increasing extent. Her excuse is that she needed to remain more at the office since she has a ton of work to do. Or then again she goes to the store and returns home four hours afterward. This is extremely a reason to worry.

Cheating companions regularly look and act liable, give a general feeling that something isn't right. They attempt and maintain a strategic distance from significant discussions, keep everything at a general and not wanting to take anything intimately. I hope you find out quickly if your spouse is cheating on you. And a piece of advice, don't act too offensive.

PHOTOS: See Actress Omoni's Response to An Online IG Begger

PHOTOS: See Actress Omoni's Response to An Online IG Begger

Actress Omoni Oboli has given out an advice to an online beggar who went into her page to beg for money so she could feed.

Here is what the online better wrote;

“Please can someone help me with just 1k. I’m hungry. I just want to eat. Thank you and may God bless you.”

Omoni Oboli responded as seen in the picture below.

PHOTOS: See Actress Omoni's Response to An Online IG Begger

The above response not being enough, Omoni Oboli took a screenshot of the lady’s message and posted it on her page with the below caption.

“These are the issues…
I have never responded to begging comments ever because I know first hand that we’ve all needed a little assistance and maybe even still do so we have to ask but…
You are asking for assistance for what exactly? What is the end game? Is it to start a business that will eventually give you some financial freedom? If so, fantastic! I applaud you!

When it becomes a lifestyle is when it gets worrisome. How do you for months or years drop the same comment on hundreds or thousands of posts? It reminds me of those days nicely dressed guys would come to you outside business places and say they lost their wallet and they just needed transport fare. You will then know you’ve been had, when the same guy meets you the following week with the exact same story. It’s now online.

We all know country hard. Leave o, it’s really hard for many people and we try in our small capacity to help as many people as we can…But if you are an able bodied young person, think of what you can do and then you can beg for the money to do it. I know free money is sweet. Believe me, as hard as I work for my money, the kind of dance I dance when I get free money nor be here but…there’s dignity in making your own money. Dignity in doing something that will not only give you money but bring satisfaction and fulfillment.

My darling young lady deleted her comment after my response to her. Luckily I had screenshot it. I had thought she would come to my DM asking for assistance to start something but she deleted her comment. What does that tell you?
Please my fellow hustlers, nobody owes anybody anything! Stand up and do something! God bless our hustle.”

Three Including a Policeman, killed in Osun bank robbery attack (PHOTOS)

Three Including a Policeman, killed in Osun bank robbery attack (PHOTOS)

Fully armed robbers attacked a fresh generation public bank today in Ila-Orangun, Osun state leaving three people dead, including police security.

The armed robbers, who were eight in number, were said to have barged into the bank at about 2pm and carried out the robbery operation for one- and- a half hours. The bank's security door was destroyed with an explosive substance. And a huge amount of money was taken away from the bank.

Three Including a Policeman, killed in Osun bank robbery attack (PHOTOS)

Aside from the police security that was killed, two other victims were also killed by these devilish armed robbers due to the stray bullets while a number of people sustained various degrees of injury while trying to flee the scene.

An eyewitness said police officers arrived the scene almost immediately and engaged the robbers in a fierce gun battle.

Three Including a Policeman, killed in Osun bank robbery attack (PHOTOS)

Three Including a Policeman, killed in Osun bank robbery attack (PHOTOS)

Mr 2kay Displays his 'HUGE' Egg Plant in a Selfie (PHOTO)

Mr 2kay Displays his 'HUGE' Egg Plant in a Selfie (PHOTO)

Ermmm... Ladies what is your say on this.

Student Expose Affair With His Teacher for Refusing to Pay him $140

Student Expose Affair With His Teacher for Refusing to Pay him $140

A Texas high school student of age 16, has exposed his emotional sexual affair with a teacher after she didn't pay him $140, according to court documents.

More than 60 pages of documents were released on Wednesday concerning the relationship between the male student and the teacher, 24 whose name has been identified to be Jasmine Edmonds. These reports were released by the Tennessee state officials.

The former Shelby County Schools teacher was accused of having sex with the teen, who is said to have outed the woman when she failed to pay up, WHBQ reports.

Student Expose Affair With His Teacher for Refusing to Pay him $140

The two were said to be in the relationship from November 2017 until January 2018 and there were 240 text messages between the both of them.

The messages were incorporated into the records, alongside Facebook messages and formal explanations.

Text messages between the two show that Edmonds was not paying the cash quick enough to the boy, who turned out to be more aggressive when he requested the cash.

Guys: How To Flirt Effectively With Any Lady

How To Flirt Effectively With Any Lady

Flirting is done differently depending on if it's a man or a woman, it is done for several reasons and leads to different results. However, if you don't focus on the outcome and flirt just to be jovial you are making for yourself many opportunities. You may well finish up with another lover but if that doesn't happen, you could meet somebody who turns into a decent companion and who knows who she may acquaint you with. Keep your options open.

You have to be sure if you think SHE might like to know you better, and once you are sure of that and you have exchanged glances, send a drink to her. Put in mind that all you are getting for her is a drink. Try not to hope that she should fall at your feet.  Sometimes, it feels alright just to send someone a drink, watch when she gets it and grin, then look away – stare back again later to show your interest in her. 

If by any chance you were welcomed to her table, bear in mind only on the talks and not on asking her out on a  date. There's no woman that just goes out with a guy. They try to want to know what kind of person he is first before deciding if they really want to go out with them. Try to know her very well first and also offer her the opportunity to get to know you also before diving for a date.

Never give a false compliment, make sure when you compliment her it is genuine and real not just for her to feel better of herself. It is so wrong if you just keeping teasing her, she wouldn't want that. Every lady has something good about them, get to know that good thing and never stop genuinely complimenting them on that.

Don't ever place your hands on a woman uninvited. Some might accept it, but many others might be horrified by it. Show some respect to the person till you are both convinced that you know each other well. You can perform some trial and error to know when it is time for that, try to move closer to her, notice her reactions. If you get the not ready kind of response just respect yourself and move back to eliminate the threat.

Do not water down your standard, show yourself some respect. Most women fall for the men who are little bit unreachable. Never act desperate in need of love or a lover. Love yourself first and think of yourself as a special person, you will get to know who really deserves you the more.