Guys: How To Flirt Effectively With Any Lady

How To Flirt Effectively With Any Lady

Flirting is done differently depending on if it's a man or a woman, it is done for several reasons and leads to different results. However, if you don't focus on the outcome and flirt just to be jovial you are making for yourself many opportunities. You may well finish up with another lover but if that doesn't happen, you could meet somebody who turns into a decent companion and who knows who she may acquaint you with. Keep your options open.

You have to be sure if you think SHE might like to know you better, and once you are sure of that and you have exchanged glances, send a drink to her. Put in mind that all you are getting for her is a drink. Try not to hope that she should fall at your feet.  Sometimes, it feels alright just to send someone a drink, watch when she gets it and grin, then look away – stare back again later to show your interest in her. 

If by any chance you were welcomed to her table, bear in mind only on the talks and not on asking her out on a  date. There's no woman that just goes out with a guy. They try to want to know what kind of person he is first before deciding if they really want to go out with them. Try to know her very well first and also offer her the opportunity to get to know you also before diving for a date.

Never give a false compliment, make sure when you compliment her it is genuine and real not just for her to feel better of herself. It is so wrong if you just keeping teasing her, she wouldn't want that. Every lady has something good about them, get to know that good thing and never stop genuinely complimenting them on that.

Don't ever place your hands on a woman uninvited. Some might accept it, but many others might be horrified by it. Show some respect to the person till you are both convinced that you know each other well. You can perform some trial and error to know when it is time for that, try to move closer to her, notice her reactions. If you get the not ready kind of response just respect yourself and move back to eliminate the threat.

Do not water down your standard, show yourself some respect. Most women fall for the men who are little bit unreachable. Never act desperate in need of love or a lover. Love yourself first and think of yourself as a special person, you will get to know who really deserves you the more.
