How to Cut Calories For Weight Loss

Determining how many calories to cut for weight loss becomes more of an art than a science, as there are many variables that can impact the calories in < calories out equation, including:

How to Cut Calories For Weight Loss

1. The type of exercise you are doing. 

Resistance and interval training will burn more calories after you stop exercising compared to traditional aerobic training. (Here's your guide on the best workout tips and exercises to lose weight.)

2. The type of diet you are eating.

High-protein diets burn more calories, as protein takes more effort for your body to digest and metabolize. (There's a reason eating a high-protein diet is one of the 10 science-backed diet rules for weight loss.)

3. How much weight you have to lose. 

For simplicity's sake, I had you use total body weight instead of your lean body mass (which is your total body weight minus your body fat). Because of this assumption, if you need to lose 25 pounds or more to reach your goal weight, then your total caloric needs, which we calculated above, is probably too high. This is because we treated the calorie needs of body fat the same as lean tissue (muscles, bones, and organs), but in reality, your body fat has a much lower caloric need (close to zero). I explain how to adjust for this below. (There's a lot of confusion about dieting out there. Be sure you're not falling for any of the top nine most popular weight-loss myths.)

4. Your individual metabolism. 

The Harris-Benedict equation or any equation that estimates your calorie needs is just that: an estimate. These equations are based on averages, and you are probably not average. Don't take the numbers you generate after reading this article as gospel, but use them as a starting point, put them to the test, and adjust from there.

Traditionally, recommendations are made for individuals to subtract 500-1000 calories from their total calorie needs in order to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. This is because a 500-calorie daily deficit yields a 3500-calorie weekly deficit-which is the number of calories you need to burn to lose one pound of fat. However, I find that these reductions are too aggressive initially and that cutting too many calories too soon sets you up for long-term weight-loss failure.

If you are weight training (try these strength training tips for weight loss), doing interval cardio sessions during the week, and eating a carb-controlled/moderate-protein diet, then I recommend that you only subtract 250 calories from your total calorie needs (or 500 calories if you need to lose more than 25 pounds to reach your goal weight). You'll see results that make you happy while being able to eat more. Using our example, the woman would need to eat 1900 calories per day to lose weight. (The right foods can help you slip into your skinny jeans faster. Eat these three snacks to conquer hunger and win at weight loss.)

The final step: Put it to the test! At the end of two weeks, see how much weight you have lost. If you aren't losing at a rate that makes you happy, opt to do more activity before you cut out more calories. If you need to cut out more calories, remove another 250 and put that new calorie level to the test for two weeks.
Most importantly, keep in mind that the scale isn't everything. One of the best ways to make a health transformation last is to value non-scale victories too. Are your healthy new habits giving you more energy or better digestion? Are you sleeping more soundly? Do your clothes fit better and do you feel more confident? These perks will help motivate you to continue eating well and staying active for the long run-which means you won't just lose weight, but you'll also keep it off.