How to Handle a Partner that is Stubborn and Bosy and doesn't take your view to Consideration

The first statement I will make is that I guess that the partner you have is a born again child of God. If not, they really need Jesus in their life to be free.

How to Handle a Partner that is Stubborn and Bosy and doesn't take your view to Consideration

However, if the Partner is born again, it's quite unfortunate that they have not allowed the word of God to renew and revive them neither have they allowed the Spirit of God to transform their lives. 

One of the reasons for the Spirit of the Lord is to know and discover your partner for the purpose of Understanding them or discerning them for compatibility or otherwise.

If you discover these two negative behavior in your partner, then you need to do one of the following two things;

  1. Help them to discover their weaknesses and its danger to them and the relationship. After doing this you can now prayerfully help them to change and overcome their weakness.
  2. However, if they don't change and accept the solution offered, the only wise thing to do is to avoid them and move on with your life.
If you eventually think or went on with the marriage with the hope of coping with it, you might be enrolling for a lifetime of Abuse and Frustration.

It's either you do all you can to help them change or let go of them for God to work in them.
