Open Heaven 29 April 2019 – Don’t be a lone Ranger

Open Heaven 29 April 2019 – Don’t be a lone Ranger

Open Heaven 29 April 2019 Monday Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – Don’t be a lone Ranger

Topic: Don’t be a lone Ranger (Open Heaven 29 April 2019)


“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.”- Ecclesiastes 4:9

Read: Mark 3:13-19 (KJV)

13 And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.

14 And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach,

15 And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:

16 And Simon he surnamed Peter;

17 And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:

18 And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Canaanite,

19 And Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him: and they went into an house.

Bible in One Year: Genesis 38-39, Jeremiah 27:1-15

Open Heaven 29 April 2019 Monday MESSAGE:

In Genesis 1:27, soon after God created man, He gave a precise description of him as a unique being created in the image of God, with the male and female species embodied in a single entity named Adam. Genesis 2:20 further reveals that after God had searched for a suitable partner for Adam without success, He went ahead to perform an operation on him which produced the woman, whom Adam named Eve. When Adam saw Eve, He immediately recognized her as being the perfect complement to himself. This is why he referred to her as the “bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23). It is therefore obvious that from the beginning of creation, God had carefully coded companionship and fellowship into the human DNA. Reading through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, coupled with our day to day experiences, we are left with no doubt that God actually created human beings for companionship and fellowship. This is especially true of those who have become a part of God’s family through adoption.

Fellowship is a common enterprise or association based on shared values. Speaking on the nature of our fellowship as children of God, the Holy Spirit says in 1 john 1:7:

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”

As children of God, the basis of our fellowship with one another is our fellowship with God, our shared access to the blessings of the gospel, and our common mission and objectives. The fellowship is demonstrated through our concern for one another and our practical commitment to the body of Christ. Furthermore, God’s people are called to work together, especially in the task of evangelism and missions. We are also called to recognize one another’s gifts and to support one another’s ministries. God’s ultimate purpose is to bring the whole of creation together and reconcile us to Himself. This desire for unity reflects the unity that exists within the Godhead, and it is expressed in the institution of marriage, which God established, and demonstrated in the oneness of the Church of Jesus Christ. God’s desire for fellowship with humanity is made known through His continuous call to all who are willing to come to Him and become His own. If the Self-Sufficient One desires fellowship, it is therefore strange to find a human being who thrives as a lone ranger, because this is contrary to God’s overall purpose. Today’s memory verse says two are better than one. Any attempt to operate alone therefore leads to isolation, loneliness, low productivity, lack of assistance, limited ideas and poor results. In conclusion, it is practically impossible to fulfil God’s purpose as a lone ranger. Therefore, appreciate God for you companions and the fellowship you have with others.

Open Heaven 29 April 2019 Monday Prayer Point:

Father, help me to have productive fellowships with the companions You have blessed me with, in Jesus’ Name.

Also Read: Open Heaven 28 April 2019 – When it’s Necessary to Forgive!

Open Heaven 29 April 2019 Monday Hymn 5: Let Others See Jesus In You

1 While passing thro’ this world of sin,
and others your life shall view,
Be clean and pure without, within;
Let others see Jesus in you.

Let others see Jesus in you,
Let others see Jesus in you.
Keep telling the story, be faithful and true;
Let others see Jesus in you.

2 Your life’s a book before their eyes,
They’re reading it thro’ and thro’
Say, does it point them to the skis,
Do others see Jesus in you?

3 Then live for Christ both day and night,
Be faithful, be brave and true,
and lead the lost to life and Christ.
Let others see Jesus in you.

Actress Regina Daniel is Four(4) Months Pregnant

Regina Daniels is reportedly 4-months-pregnant for her alleged billionaire husband, Ned Nwoko. exclusively reports!

Actress Regina Daniel is Four(4) Months Pregnant

This is coming after the actress was rumored to have wedded the Billionaire Lawyer.

This is also coming after she made her first public appearance with him in Delta state.

Read Below the report;

Regina Daniels Pregnant: After in an exclusive report, revealed the source of teen actress, Regina Daniels sudden wealth as well as her eventual secret marriage to Honourable, Prince Ned Nwoko, it became an internet sensation…

However, being the original source of the story, we can again authoritatively say here and now that there is more where that came from.

Speaking to e-NIGERIA! exclusively during the weekend, a family source hinted that 18-year-old Regina Daniels who just got hooked to her 59-year-old lover, Ned nwoko is already 4-months pregnant.

Regina Daniels Pregnant

Buttressing further, the source revealed thus, “not only is she pregnant, but for now, Regina Daniels remains Ned Nwoko’s most favourite wife, with unlimited access to his most expensive cars, houses, as well as his private jet which she brandishes all about.

None of Ned’s wives nor concubines are said to have access to his Rolls Royce (valued at over N100 million), his expensive Ferrari, his private jet as well as his latest delivery; a Mercedez Brabus with an Abuja number plate, YAB-486 BH except Regina”, squealed our source.

Furthermore, e-NIGERIA! also gathered that, ahead of her baby delivery, Mr. Nwoko has also acquired a house for Regina in a yet to be disclosed location in London.

See the Benefits of Pineapple - Number 4 is a Surprise

Pineapples are a delicious tropical fruit. They have been celebrated for centuries because they have distinct and unique taste and also many health benefits. Pineapples have many health benefits such as increase circulation, improve the immune system, fight off infections and parasites, increase heart health, prevent cancer, reduce inflammation, boost eye health, improve oral health, strengthen bones, help you lose weight, improve digestion, cure coughs and colds and it has ability to improve respiratory health.

See the Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapples are very delicious and healthy fruits but as with other fruits, they should be take in caution. They have bromelain which is primarily a meat – tenderizing enzyme and this is a reason why it is so helpful in the digestion of tough foods. This can result in tenderness or softening of your meat as well. This means that your tongue, gums and lips might experience some tenderness or sensitivity if you eat too much pineapple. Bromelain and Vitamin C should not be taken in high proportions because they are powerful chemicals and if you overdose of them, then this can lead to nausea, headaches, diarrhea and vomiting.

Here are some health benefits of pineapples

Blood circulation:

Potassium has vasodilating properties. Pineapples also have copper which is another essential mineral that is functioning in a number of enzymatic reactions and compounds in our bodies. Copper is one of the most important elements for the formation of healthy red blood cells. When we have high red blood cells count in our bodies, then this is increasing the oxygenation to many organ systems and it makes them to function at optimal levels. Also it can increase the cognitive abilities and can maintain neural pathways to prevent neural disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Blood pressure: 

When we have a potassium deficiency, then this can result in a wide array of health hazards. The most important function of potassium is vasodilator. This means that it can ease the tension and stress of the blood vessels and it can promote blood circulation to many parts of the body. When our blood vessels are relaxed, then our blood pressure is reduced and the blood flow is less restricted. This is preventing clots from blocking the flow of blood and it can reduce the accumulation of plaque in the arteries and blood vessels. This will help people to prevent some conditions such as strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis. You should eat pineapples if you want to have a healthy heart.

Eye health:

Vision is one of the most important senses for all human beings. Pineapples can boost the eye health and they can prevent age – related deficiencies which are happening so often. Many elderly people are affected by macular degeneration. Beta carotene which is found in the pineapples can delay this vision problem. You should keep proper amounts of beta – carotene in your diet from fruits and vegetables because in this way you will have healthy eyes when you get old.

Oral health: 

Pineapples have antioxidant components which can protect against oral cancer. Also this fruit has astringent properties which strengthen gums and it will ensure you that your teeth will not become loose. Pineapples have astringent agents which can help you to tighten up tissues and tone the body so things like skin loosening, muscle weakness, hair loss and tooth loss does not occur. Pineapples are very powerful astringent fruits. This is a reason why they often are prescribed as a natural remedy to fix loosening of teeth or the retraction of the gums.

Bone health: 

Pineapples do not have strong calcium content. They have an impressive amount of manganese which is another important mineral for the strengthening of bones, as well as their repair and growth. A single serving of pineapples can deliver more than 70% of your daily requirement of manganese.

Coughs and colds: 

Pineapples have bromelain which can reduce the phlegm and mucus build up in the respiratory tracts and sinus cavities. It can prevent the illnesses which cause mucus and phlegm build – up which is also treating them by loosening those minerals and helping you eliminate them from your body if you have already contracted infection or illness.

Natural Ways to keep your diabetes sugar level in place

Diabetes mellitus or Diabetes has become a very big health problem. Diabetes has two main types. The first one type is the body does not produce insulin and the second type of diabetes is body does not produce enough insulin or is not work properly. Some of the symptoms of diabetes like weight loss (even if you are eating more food), excessive thirst, increased urination, include fatigue, bruises and cut, blurred vision. There is no cure for diabetes; you can live normal life with under control blood sugar. You can control your blood sugar with various natural remedies.

Diabetes – Home Remedies and Natural cures

Mango Leaves

Natural Ways to keep your diabetes sugar level in place

  • Mango leaves and the delicate can be used to treat diabetes by taking it as regular insulin inside in the blood, they can help improve blood lipid profiles.
  • You can soak 15-20 mango leaves in a glass or bottle of water over one night, after that filter the water and drink it on empty stomach.
  • You can also dry the leaves and grind them, eat one or one-half teaspoon of mango leaves two times in day.

Bitter Gourd

  • Bitter gourd or also known like bitter melon. It is also helpful for diabetes controlling due to it is blood glucose lowering effects. Bitter gourd is helping your glucose metabolism all over your body. It is helping well than any tissue or organ.
  • Bitter gourd also helps increase pancreatic insulin secretion. It prevents insulin resistance. Bitter gourd is also helping on diabetes 1 and diabetes 2. But this plant cannot be used for insulin treatment replacement.
  • If you want to make some mixture from bitter gourd, we give you here the next mix. You should drink bitter gourd juice when your stomach is empty. Firstly, you should remove the seeds of two to three bitter gourds and secondly you should use a juicer to extract the juice. After you had extracted the juice, you should add some water in the mixture and then drink it. If you want to have better results, you should make this mix every morning on empty stomach. You should drink this juice at least two months.
  • Another solution is to include one dish made of bitter gourd daily in your diet.


Natural Ways to keep your diabetes sugar level in place

  • If you have diabetes, than you should use cinnamon. Cinnamon has ability to lower blood sugar levels. This is happening because cinnamon is stimulating insulin activity. Cinnamon has bioactive components. These bioactive components are preventing from diabetes and also are fighting against diabetes.
  • In many cases cinnamon has shown that it is good for winning the diabetes. Because cinnamon can lower the blood sugar levels in your organism it is one of the best cures for diabetes type 2.
  • Cinnamon should not be taken in excess. We use Cassia cinnamon which is found in most grocery stores. This type of cinnamon contains a compound called coumarin. This is toxic compound. It can increase the level of liver damage.
  • There is also another type of this Cinnamon. It is called Ceylon cinnamon. This Ceylon cinnamon is known as true cinnamon. This kind of cinnamon is more safety because effects on blood glucose levels.
  • If you want to make a mixture from cinnamon, we give you the next mixture. In cup of warm water mix one-half to one teaspoon cinnamon. You should drink this mix daily.
  • There is also another cure of cinnamon. You should boil to two four cinnamon stacks in one cap of water. You should allow it to steep for 20 minutes. If you want to have better results, you should drink this mixture daily. Until you have improvements, you should drink it.
  • Also, you can add cinnamon to smoothies, baked goods and warm beverages.

Indian Black Berry or Black Plum (Jambul)

  • Black plum is also known as Jambul. Another name for black plum is jamun. This plant can help to control blood sugar levels. Jambul contains ellagic acid, hydrolysable tannins, anthocyanins etc.
  • Each part of Jambul can be used such as seeds, leaves and berry for those which are suffering from diabetes. Many studies have shown that the seeds and fruits of this plant have hypoglycemic effects as they help reduce urine and blood sugar levels rapidly.
  • The seeds are containing alkaloid jambosine and glycoside jamboline.
  • When this seasonal fruit is available in the markets try to include in your diet. It can have many good effects for your pancreas. If you do not want to eat fresh Indian black berry, than you can make a powder of this fruit. You should eat this powder with water twice per a day. This is native Indian fruit. You can also find this fruit in Asian markets and herbal shops.


Natural Ways to keep your diabetes sugar level in place

  • Fenugreek is herb that is used to control diabetes. Also fenugreek is used to lower blood sugar levels and improve glucose tolerance. Fenugreek has hypoglycaemic activity. Fenugreek stimulates the secretion of glucose-dependent insulin. It is high in the fiber. This activity can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars.
  • You should soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight. You should also drink the water with fenugreek seeds in the morning at empty stomach. If you drink this solution constantly in few months, you will improve your glucose level.
  • If you do not want to follow the solution which we gave you before, than you should eat two tablespoons of powdered fenugreek seeds and drink it daily with a milk.

Indian Gooseberry

  • Indian Gooseberry is also known as Amla. This herb is rich with Vitamin C. Indian gooseberry juice is improving the proper function of your pancreas.
  • To make a mixture of Indian gooseberry you will need two to three gooseberries. You should remove the seeds from the Indian gooseberry and grind it into a fine paste. After you have made this paste, you should put the paste in a cloth. Then, squeeze out the juice. You should mix two tablespoons of the juice in one cup of water. Drink this mixture daily on empty stomach.
  • Another solution is to mix one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice in one cup of bitter gourd. You should drink it daily for a few months.

Aloe Vera

Natural Ways to keep your diabetes sugar level in place

  • The Aloe Vera gel helps lower the fasting blood glucose levels. This Aloe Vera gel contains phytosterols. These phytosterols are having anti-hyperglycemic effects for type 2 diabetes.
  • The combination of turmeric, bay leaves and Aloe Vera gel is helpful for controlling the blood sugar levels.
  • If you want to make a medicine from turmeric, bay leaves and Aloe Vera gel, then in the next bullet we will give you the mixture.
  • You should mix one tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel and one-half spoon of turmeric and one-half spoon of bay leaves.
  • You should drink this mixture twice per day, before lunch and dinner.

10 Weird Things Married Women Does That Breaks Their Marriage – Number 6 Is The Reason Many Women Are Divorced

Here’re 10 Awkward Things Married Women Do That Destroy Their Marriage – Number 6 Is The Reason Many Women Are Divorce.

Here’re 10 Awkward Things Married Women Do That Destroy Their Marriage – Number 6 Is The Reason Many Women Are Divorce.

We all know that men sometimes can be very overbearing and sometimes responsible for some actions their wives take but nevertheless, women must understand that marriage is a great,decent and sacred institution that must be treated with utmost respect and guided with all sense of decency.

To be frank,there are some silly things some married ladies do that do not show any form of respect to them,their men and their marriage.
These are things that need to be avoided by the lady irrespective of whatever excuse they may have.

I have had many friends who have been married and some are divorced and after discussing with them,i have come to realize that some of these women were in fact the architect of their failed marriages and i will try to elucidate on some of the awkward things ladies do that break up their marriages.

1. Poor communication:

In every relationship we find ourselves, communication is vital. No one is a mind reader and no matter what it may be that could be a reason for your unhappiness, speak out immediately in a stern manner and not lackadaisically.
Many women are found of calling their hubby’s relatives to complain about certain issues meanwhile the hubby at home does not have an idea of how hurting they are concerning that issue.

2. Sharing their marital issue with a male admirer/friend.

Not every guy you know is responsible. We have some low lives that has no regard for any form of decency and it is no news that many guys are in this category.
When you discuss your marital issues with an admirer or a male friend,most times what these guys hear is “I'm vulnerable, I need you as succor”. This is why most times,when a

3. Being careless with male friends.

I have always maintained that there is nothing like just friends between a married woman and another man.
If he is not your childhood friend, co-worker,co-student,business partner then you have no business with him.
Many married ladies have a careless habit of keeping male friends indiscriminately and worst still get so careless allowing these guys call them by their maiden names.

I will never call a married lady by her maiden name because just as the name suggests,its her unmarried name but will rather put Mrs,sis, madam.

When a married lady is called by her maiden name,it diminishes as well as tarnishes her respect,image and matrimony giving room for a potential unethical relationship between her and the “just male friends”.married woman take solace in a male friend,the end result is usually an illicit affair.

4. Seeking vengeance.

Many married lady tend to take some actions in order to prove to their hubby that a sauce for the goose is also ok for the gender but unfortunately this will destroy your marriage more.

When you take revenge on your hubby by sleeping with another man because he cheats on you,of what use will that be to you?

What value will that add to your life?

Learn to maintain your dignity no matter what because at the end,the shame will all come back to you and as I always reiterate. ..nobody can make you do what you are not capable of doing.

5. Talking down on your hubby.

This is one foolish mistake many ladies do. You and your hubby are one and talking down on him means talking down on yourself. It is one thing to voice out what he did and another to use outright abusive words on him.

In situations where a couple separates,some ladies will not mind talking down on their hubby with a friend,their family and even with male suitors and i keep wondering if the woman thinks this will earn her any form of respect.

If you call your hubby a sick man then what does that make you? Or you call your hubby an @sshole then it takes an @sshole to tango with such a man.

No matter how angry you may be,don’t ever rule out reconciliation and even if you are never going to reconcile,respect your matrimony with him even if he deserves no respect from you.

6.Moving out of their matrimonial home hastily over an avoidable reason.

What excuse do you have for running out of your marriage?

He cheated on you,he does not give you attention,he took you for granted,he curses you and many more are the excuses married ladies hold on to and i keep asking this one question;
Will leaving solve the problem? Even a divorce is not a way out because its a 50/50 chance that the next man won’t be worse so i advice that you confront that problem and try your best to solve it.

7. Believing there is always a better man out there.

This is one foolish thing married ladies believe. That they will get a better replacement.There are more than enough never married ladies out there for the unmarried guys so you will do yourself a great honor by sticking to your husband.

There is really no better man out there and except you are faced with an unrepentant violent man,please remain in your marriage because you will soon realize that its the same cycle we all go through in any union we find ourselves and there will always be one reason to leave any man you are married to.

Many women divorcees realize this too late as they end up as a toy in the hands of randy men,as second wife,or end up single for a long time as many men will believe they are doing them a big favour by wanting to be with them.

If you must throw in the towel on your marriage,make sure you have exhausted all means of reconciliation because i keep saying that it is better to be single at 40 than to be a divorcee at 20 and a 40 year old single lady is more maritally appealing than a 20year old divorcee,funny but true so think very well before you run out of your marriage.

8.Sharing their marital issues with single female friends..

Like seriously! it may surprise you to know that most of your friends who are still single are not happy that you are married so take your marital problem to them at your own risk.

9.Not looking $eexy enough.

If our sultry actress Omotola jalade is looking this $eexy after three children then tell me why you can’t look $eexy too.

Laziness is one big problem with most married ladies.Men get carried away by what they see so do yourself a favour, get that big tummy down and get into crazy bum shorts and flaunt that thing.

We know you cant maintain that $eexy look we saw the very first time we met you but at least try your best to look $eexy for the next 30years for us after marriage.

10. Never sorry.

Many women are so proud, egocentric and stubborn to the extent that when they do or say things that are conspicuously wrong, they will never or hardly apologize but rather would want to buttress the rationale behind their actions and most men see this as an appalling nature. Be quick to apologize even when you are are naturally egocentric hence the need to bring down your ego to avoid the case of two men married to each other.

11.Getting insecure and monitoring her husband

I have always advised married women to let their men be. Believe whatever he says even when it is clear that he is lying. The moment you start getting overly jealous, suspicious is the moment you begin to lose your self-worth. Don’t bother whether he is faithful or not but sternly tell him to play safe if he must be unfaithful and warn him to do it far from you cos what the eyes do not see do not hurt. Yes, this sounds crazy but trust me,it works like magic because the husband will likely be on his toes and respect you the more. Remember that a man will always be a man and you can never monitor him.

12.Not good enough in the kitchen and the other room:.

If you are a married lady reading this please don’t ever joke with these two places because any woman who knows how to use these two places will most likely have her husband where she wants him cos the way to a man’s heart is forever through his stomach and down there.

13.Taking the job of a full housewife.

As you can clearly deduce, being a full housewife is a big job because those who babysit get paid so I quite understand how demanding this can be but nevertheless, don’t settle for that, no matter how demanding the task of keeping the home front can be, still do something to be financially independent. Your husband may tell you he does not want you to work promising to provide all your needs but we both know he really can’t do that without asking funny questions from you when you demand for money so it is important to have something doing so that the financial pressure will be less on your husband and you can also be self-reliant. Being financially independent can also come in handy if your hubby faces any financial crises so take this advice seriously because financial pressure is a great destroyer of marriage.

Open Heavens 26 April 2019 - NOT HOW BIG

Open Heavens 26 April 2019 - NOT HOW BIG

Open Heavens 26 April 2019 - NOT HOW BIG

Open Heavens 26 April 2019 Topic- NOT HOW BIG


And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. Mark 9:24

READ: Luke 17:5-6

5 And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.

6 And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.


Faith is a spiritual word that is a bit complicated to define. However, Hebrews 1:11 provides the best explanation on the subject of faith by defining it as the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. Faith gives a Christian the assurance of things which do not exist, and provides the conviction that what we hope for will happen. Practically speaking, faith involves taking God at His word and acting according to it, despite the hopelessness of the situation and irrespective of what the odds look like. As children of God, we generally find it easier to apply faith when dealing with simple matters of daily life like sleeping and waking up, but find it difficult to apply the same faith when confronted with difficult life-threatening issues like sickness and death. This should not be so.

In Luke 17:5, the apostles pleaded with Jesus to increase their faith. To better understand how faith works, let us closely examine Jesus’ response to their request. Luke 17:6 says:

“ And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.”

From the apostles’ request, they obviously thought that they needed much bigger faith to accomplish spiritual tasks. Unfortunately, this is the same mindset a lot of Christians have today. Jesus’ response reveals that the size of faith does not really matter. The smallest faith is enough to accomplish the biggest spiritual assignment, once the required conditions are fulfilled. By the grace of God, I have had my own fair share of practically with the issue of faith, and God has always honored my faith irrespective of its size.

One area of the new covenant that requires faith is connecting with the power of divine life embedded in Christ’s flesh and blood. Anyone who partakes in the Holy Communion by faith is bound to receive whatever miracle he or she desires. The Holy Communion is the most powerful meal imaginable, but faith is required to activate its hidden power. This divine meal has brought about abundant testimonies of great miracles, such as healing from incurable and life threatening diseases, deliverance from deadly vices and demonic powers, incredible financial breakthrough miraculous restoration of broken homes and relationships, and much more. The next time you partake of this miracle meal, apply your faith to it, and I assure you that you will experience divine healing and deliverance through its power.


Apply Jude 1:20 to build up your up your faith by praying more in the Spirit in your power.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 32-33
Jeremiah 25:17-33



My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ the solid rock I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness seems to veil His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath His covenant and blood
Support me in the ‘whelming flood:
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

When the last trumpet’s voice shall sound,
O may I then in him be found.
Clothed in his righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before his throne.

8 Ways To Talk To A Girl And She Would Love You Even If You Are Broke

Here’re 9 Ways To Talk To A Girl And Make Her Love You Even If You Don’t Have Money

8 Ways To Talk To A Girl And She Would  Love You Even If You Are Broke

I know this looks hopeless. If all women are different individuals with different tastes and ideas, how in the name of all things Holy can you learn to talk to each and every one of them? Fear not! What I am about to share with you is a secret. It is the secret of how to talk to anyone no matter who they are and to build interest and ultimately love with them.

1. Look past the façade and see the real person beneath it.

Underneath the clothing of skin and bones, we are perfect people. We have crappy baggage and things in our past that haunt us but these things are not us and we know that.
No one likes to be reminded of the bad parts of themselves or their painful past. What we are most proud of is who we are innately. We are most proud of the perfect person underneath. When you talk to a woman (or a man or a child) look for the perfect person and talk to him or her.

In some people it is easier to see this perfect person than in others, and in some it is so hidden by strange pseudo personalities and other weird baggage that it is almost absent. If the person you are talking to makes it too hard to access that perfect person underneath, move on. Find someone who doesn’t have as much baggage. And whatever you do, don’t waste your time talking to pseudo personalities. They just aren’t worth it.

2. Take the time to build common ground and understanding.

Practice this skill. Go to the supermarket or somewhere where you will have to interact with people. When you get to the check out, find something you like about the checkout person.

I find that women love jewelry and take time and effort to choose and wear pieces that look nice. If you find a piece of jewelry on them and you comment favorably to them about it, you will be met with the person looking up and seeing you and not some nameless, faceless person. They will automatically start feeling a little better about you.

3. Let the person talk about herself.

This is the easy part. You don’t have to be dazzling or brilliant. All you have to be is a good listener and respond with things that are pertinent to the subject at hand. It really is a piece of cake.

For example, you have just commented favorably on a piece of jewelry (or a sweater or scarf) and the conversation has started. Generally they will tell you a little bit about the piece. “Oh, my mom bought it for me for my birthday!’ You then smile and say “What a great mom you have!” or something that you know she will agree with.

Resist with all your might the impulse to start talking about yourself. This conversation is all about her. If you keep this up each time you go through the checkout line, you will find that soon you are friends. From there an invitation for coffee is a perfect next step to get to know each other better.

4. Avoid subjects on which you do not agree.

There is no quicker way to make someone hate your guts than to take an opposing viewpoint to theirs and then try to convince them that they are wrong. Let’s say your adorable check out person has accepted your invite for coffee! Yay! This is a big step. Don’t blow it now by trying to impress her with how smart, big, or strong you are, and how dumb, weak, and misguided she is. If you do this, this will be your last date and you will have no one to blame but yourself. Instead find things that you agree on.

If you disagree on politics, avoid that subject like a five day old burrito stub that you have just dug up from under the sofa because your negative comments on the subject will be just about as welcome. Stick to the things you wholeheartedly agree on and you will be fine.

5. Don’t violate her personal space.

Your adorable clerk is a woman. She has had her share of guys trying to cosy up to her and get close. Respect her by giving her space. Trying to move in too close when she is not ready for that is a violation of her limits. To her this may mean that if you violate limits now, who knows what limits will be violated when she allows you into her world?

6. Get your personal hygiene handled!

Brush your teeth and comb your hair. Don’t stink at all! I know I shouldn’t have to say this but sometimes people don’t know they stink. Make sure you don’t! If you just had coffee and a cigarette, chew some gum or something!

Check your teeth and make sure you don’t have anything stuck in them. Don’t look all rumpled unless it is sexy rumpled. Pay a little attention to your wardrobe. Look clean and don’t wear old threadbare clothes. No one will respect you if you don’t respect yourself and your outward appearance is an indicator of your respect level for yourself.

Don’t worry if you are a little overweigh or feel you are too short or have any other personal attribute that bothers you. Most people don’t even notice these things. If they do and do not want to talk to you because of them, they are not worth it anyway. Move on! There are many wonderful ladies out there who are looking for a caring and nice person like you.

7. What about gifts?

Most people love gifts but there are times when gifts are unwelcome. Let’s say you and your beautiful clerk are now having dinner together this evening. It is perfectly appropriate to give her flowers but don’t give her flowers, chocolate in a heart shaped box and a new car.

She does not want to be put under an obligation and too many gifts make her feel that she now has to do something for you. While this may sound great, it feels awful. Have you ever shown up at work and forgotten that it was pot luck day and you brought nothing? How did you feel? Did you go around telling everyone that you forgot it was pot luck day and then ate only chips? Did you sneak out the back and give the whole thing a miss because the obligation was just too much? Do you see what I mean?

If you want to impress her, wash and clean your car. Ask her what kind of movie she likes or what she likes to eat and make reservations at a restaurant you know she will love. Take time to create an evening that she will find magical. What will impress her is the care you took and the respect you had for her to take that time.

8. Choose wisely!

Remember! Not all women are desirable just because they are women or because they are pretty. A pretty snake can still kill you and a woman who is negative, antagonistic, or passive aggressive (also referred to as covertly hostile) will make your life, and the life of any children you may have, miserable.

Think ahead before getting serious. If you find that your future girlfriend is one of these types, give her a hearty “So long, farewell, auf wiedershen and don’t let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out!”

A warm and loving woman with a twinkle in her eye and a sense of humor is far more desirable than a pretty psycho. Beauty can fade over time when it is only on the surface. Real beauty that you see when you see the perfect person underneath is forever. Life is a tough game and only someone who has integrity, compassion and commitment will be there for you when you really need her.

The others, if they are self centered or psycho will be long gone the minute you need a friend the most.

9. Recognize when she is not interested and move on.

Let’s face it, even though you are wonderful, dazzling and brilliant, you may not be someone’s cup of cherries or bowl of tea as far as future boyfriend material is concerned. It happens. If it is clear that she does not want a relationship, then ok. You are not wrong and neither is she. Perhaps you can be friends. One can never have too many nice people in one’s life.

There you have it! The important information on how to talk to anyone. Now go forth young Jedi warrior and use your power for good. I expect an invite to your wedding or at least send me a slice of the wedding cake!


Man is jailed for rape after he removed his condom during sex with a prostitute

A man has been sentenced to 12 years in jail after he removed a condom while having sex with a prostitute.

Man is jailed for rape after he removed his condom during sex with a prostitute

Lee Hogben, 35, was accused of raping his victim by removing a condom against her consent mid-intercourse. She told him "I don’t do that – please no" when he took off the condom but he threatened her as she tried to wriggle free.

Lee contacted the sex worker online through an adult work website where she specifically stated that clients must wear protection. They met at the Royal Bath Hotel in his hometown Bournemouth, Dorset, on January 19 last year after agreeing on a price for two hours.

However, he went against all the laid down conditions. First, he had sex with her without protection. Second, he never paid her for her services.

Prosecutor Jodie Mittell said Hogben threatened the sex worker with violence when she resisted him.

She said:

Hogben went beyond what was consented to by removing the protection, which the complainant will say was a condition of intercourse.

She repeatedly protested, 'I don’t do that – please, no'. She tried to wriggle away but he told her to stop. He told her he had beaten people up and robbed people.

The victim eventually left the hotel, told police and Hogben was arrested the following day before being linked to the rape from DNA.

Hogden, who has a string of convictions for harassment and driving offences, was convicted of rape and two counts of assault.

He was sentenced to 12 years in prison as well as an extended licence period of six years. He was also sentenced to indefinite restraining orders and a sexual harm prevention order.

As he was sentenced after a trial he threatened to shoot judge Stephen Climie, telling him, "I’m coming for you. You’ll get a shotgun in the face at night."

12-year-old girl commits suicide after being body shamed

A 12-year-old girl committed suicide in Oregon because a boy at school kept taunting her about her weight.

12-year-old girl commits suicide after being body shamed

The young girl, Brooklyn Marie Brehm left a suicide note before hanging herself in April 2017.

According to her mum Maranda Riboli, the 12-year-old took her life because of a boy at Elton Gregory Middle School in Redmond, Oregon, who “regularly and frequently fat-shamed” her and called her names.

According to a lawsuit filed by Riboli, the boy also taunted Brooklyn over a crush she had and told her that the object of her affections would never like her because of her weight. He went on to say that the schoolgirl “should kill herself because she was a waste of space and no boy would ever like her.”

When Riboli found out about the bullying her daughter was suffering, she emailed the school and met with teachers to complain that the bullying was affecting her daughter’s grades.

Sadly, two months after Riboli’s meeting with teachers, Brooklyn took her life.

Riboli has sued Elton Gregory Middle School for $12 million damages and $35,000 funeral expenses. She says the school did not follow its own protocol, because that teacher failed to notify the principal of what was going on. She also alleges the school failed to launch any sort of investigation into the bullying.

Riboli said her daughter’s death by suicide was a “direct result” of Redmond School District’s “deliberate indifference” to her rights.

Alaafin Of Oyo Younger Wife, Olori Ajoke stuns in Arabian dress (Photos)

Olori Ajoke stuns in Arabian dress

Alaafin Of Oyo younger wife, Olori Ajoke who is currently in Saudi Arabia took to her Instagram to share these stunning photos of herself posing in an Arabian dress and wrote: 'ARABIAN QUEEN OF OYO EMPIRE.'

See another photo below.

Olori Ajoke stuns in Arabian dress

Men jailed up to 41 years for having sex with dogs,cows,goats and horses

Three men have been jailed for up to 41 years for having sex with horses, goats, cows and dogs over a five-year period.

Matthew Brubaker, 31, Terry Wallace, 41, and Marc Measnikoff, 34, had sex with 12 animals in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.

Men jailed for 41 years for having sex with dogs,cows,goats and horses

All three were sentenced to 20 to 41 years in a state prison with additional probation, according to WJAC.

Brubaker, Wallace, and Measnikoff, were charged with having sexual intercourse with at least nine female horses, a cow, a goat, and dogs.

A teenage boy who also lived at makeshift farm in Munson was reportedly forced to help the defendants restrain the animals while they committed the acts.

When interviewed by police, Brubaker admitted having sex with every female horse on the farm, as well as a goat, a cow and his dog at least once a day for around four of five years, the police report states.

Measnikoff said he had intercourse with the horses several times a week, but not the dogs, according the report.

I’ll make sure you lose your job – Bishop Oyedepo

If you are ready to lose your job, then you just visit the founder of Living Faith Church, Bishop David Oyedepo, to request bribe from him.

The Bishop, while speaking to members of his church said that he does not condone bribe taking and giving and will make sure that whosoever that asks him for bribe will face the penalty.

I’ll make sure you lose your job – Oyedepo blows hot

According to Oyedepo, his ministry has awarded contracts worth billions of naira and that there has never been a kick-back.

He said:

“If you ask me for bribe, it is not just that I won’t give you, I’ll make sure you lose your job wherever you work.

“I have never given bribe to any man living or dead.

“We give jobs/contracts here (Canaanland) in billions (Naira) and yet we don’t collect any kick-back/bribe from anybody.”

Brilliant Nigerian lady flaunts 10 admission letters she got from foreign universities

Franka Anyama Undie, a Nigerian lady has been making round as she displays her admission letter from Ten(10) Foreign Universities to study for M.Sc.

The universities and courses Franka Anyama Undie got are:

1) Griffith College Dublin: MSc in International Business and Law.
2) University of Essex: MSc Actuarial Science.
3) University of Sussex: Master of Science Information Technology with Business and Management.
4) Cranfield University: MSc Management and Information Systems.
5) University of Dundee: MSc International Oil and Gas Management.
6) University of Manchester: MSc Management and Information Systems: Change and Development.
7) Loughborough University: MSc Information Management and Business Technology.
8) University of Strathclyde: MSc International Management.
9) University of Nottingham: Master of Science Information Systems and Operations Management.
10) London School of Economics: Masters of Science in Management of Information systems and Digital Innovation.

The Elated Young Woman said ;

Relevance has always been a measure of one’s value and to add value to ones life, one must pursue interest and goals with vigour.
My name is Franka Anyama Undie a Cross River State indigene.
I grew up in a family where we have to compete for everything, — _compete for who was the best in academics, House chores and board games_ .
I developed a passion for technology, business, management, arithmetic and record computation which led me to studying Accountancy as my first degree.
During my degree program, I was very active in many facets of University life. I completed a number of voluntary internship on holidays, working for small business owners.
This gave me an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting.
I also conducted a number of personal community development projects like organizing free ICT training, giving motivational talks in colleges, organizing health campaigns and bringing together a team to ensure environmental sanitation is properly carried out in my community.
Interestingly, none of these community development services hindered my educational pursuit as I bagged a second class upper upon graduation.
I believe that anything one dreams of, there is just a helper away, we just need the right scenario and connection, and anything can be achieved.
With determination and the right people to encourage you and guide you, one can achieve a great amount of success that will bring a positive change to the society.
I continually aspire growth and development which is why I applied and got admissions into eleven different schools for the 2019/2020 academic session.
I wanted to make sure I am the best. I wanted to prove to myself that I was worthy enough and anyone who wants to help me actualize my life’s goal will also see in me the same potentials I see in myself – _Determination and excellence_ .
Out of all the courses I feel so passionate about _the Masters of Science Information Technology with Business and Management_ offered at University of Sussex, maybe because of what it encompasses and how it accurately fits into my career goals and ambitions.
My desire to study abroad stems from a dearth of equivalent professional programs offered in Nigeria. The future of technology, business, appropriate data management and financial reports in Nigeria will demand a workforce with a specialized skill set.
With the sponsorship which I seek, I will be able to actualize my academic/career goal and dream of acquiring the requisite academic training which would position me to meet this emerging career/workplace demand and also pioneer the architecture, management and protection of business and companies in Nigeria.

Tonto Dikeh flaunts her curves in sexy black dress (Photos)

Nollywood Actress and mother-of-one, Tonto Dikeh made a statement on her IG handle as she shared a photo of her curvaceous body fitted in a sexy black dress and it has since gained attention on social media.

Tonto Dikeh flaunts her curves in sexy black dress (Photos)

The Actress seems to have maintained her glow after she was recently on the receiving end of a subtle shot from her estranged Husband, Olakunle Churchill.

In a Post shared on his social media page, Churchill said ; “You glow differently when you’re not hating” – and many fans could not help but point that the post was indirectly a message to Tonto Dikeh.

Tonto Dikeh flaunts her curves in sexy black dress (Photos)

Tonto seems to be unfazed by Churchill’s action and the photos prove that.

Nigerian Ladies Assaults friend who allegedly is dating the dad of one of them and the boyfriend of another

Here is a viral video that shows three ladies assaulting another lady whom they accused of flirting and receiving cash gift from the father of one of the accusers. This video has been making round on social media.

The accused whose name was identified to be ‘Mirabel’ stood defenceless as heavy slaps landed on her face and she could not deny the allegations.

Mirabel was also accused of attempting to break a home and cheating with her friend’s boyfriend and as seen from the video she couldn't deny the allegations

See Video Below:

I am on a movie set, pls you guys should stop – Toyin Abraham replies fans who insist she is pregnant

A pregnant version of Toyin Abraham was recently shot on a movie set, and fans could not help but wish the actress safe delivery.

 Toyin Abraham replies fans who insist she is pregnant

Though Toyin Abraham stated that she is filming, however her followers insisted that it is real pregnancy and also wished her a safe delivery.

 Toyin Abraham replies fans who insist she is pregnant

 Toyin Abraham replies fans who insist she is pregnant

 Toyin Abraham replies fans who insist she is pregnant

Look at screenshots of their conversation below;

 Toyin Abraham replies fans who insist she is pregnant
 Toyin Abraham replies fans who insist she is pregnant
 Toyin Abraham replies fans who insist she is pregnant

Maisie Williams (Arya) speaks on her first sex scene in Game of Thrones

Maisie Williams, who starred as Arya in the HBO hit series Game of Thrones, has opened up about going nude for the first time in the series.

A scene of episode 2 of the season finale had Arya and Gendry (Joe Dempsie) engaging in Coitus and the idea was for her to have a taste of sex since they knew death was coming their way due to the increasing winter.

Speaking of how she felt when she first heard she will be playing a sex scene, Maisie Williams said:

At first, I thought it was a prank. I was like, “Yo, good one,”’ she joked, admitting that Sophie Turner (who plays sister Sansa Stark) was the first to tell her after reading the scripts faster than her.

Maisie Williams (Arya) speaks on her first sex scene in Game of Thrones

She was however put at ease by the show-runners.

‘David and Dan were like: “You can show as much or as little as you want”,’ she continued to
Entertainment Weekly. ‘So I kept myself pretty private. I don’t think it’s important for Arya to flash. This beat isn’t really about that.’

Maisie Williams (Arya) speaks on her first sex scene in Game of Thrones

‘This is something she’s stayed away from, an emotion we’ve never really seen her engage with. David and Dan were like, “It’s the end of the world, what else would you have her do?”,’ she explained.

‘This may be is a moment where Arya accepts death tomorrow, which she never does. It’s interesting to see Arya be a bit more human, speak more normally about things people are scared of.’

Ten HIV Symptoms To Watch Out For In Women – Guys, See How To Know If She’s HIV Positive..

Below are 10 HIV symptoms to watch out for in women..

Ten HIV Symptoms To Watch Out For In Women – Guys, See How To Know If She’s HIV Positive..

In the United States, about two out of every three new cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections in women are due to unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. Sharing infected needles for drug use is another leading cause.

Early symptoms of HIV infection may be mild and easily unnoticed and dismissed. Unfortunately, even without noticeable symptoms, an infected person can still pass the virus on to others. Read on to learn some common symptoms of HIV in women.
Early Symptoms Can Be Fleeting

In the early weeks after becoming infected with HIV, it is not uncommon for women to be asymptomatic. Some may have mild flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, and lack of energy. Often, these symptoms go away within a few weeks.

In some cases, it may take as many as ten years for more severe symptoms to appear. During this time, the virus can still be transmitted from one person to another.

1.Swollen Glands

We all have lymph nodes throughout our bodies, including the neck, back of the head, armpits, and groin. As part of the immune system, our lymph nodes work to fend off infections. As the HIV infection begins to spread, the immune system kicks into high gear. The result is enlarged lymph nodes, commonly known as swollen glands. It is often one of the first signs of HIV. In people infected with HIV, swollen glands may last for several months.


HIV makes it harder for the immune system to fight off germs, so it’s easier for opportunistic infections to take hold. Some of these include pneumonia, tuberculosis, and hepatitis C. People with HIV are more prone to infections of the skin, eyes, lungs, kidneys, digestive tract, and brain. It may also be more difficult to treat common ailments like the flu.

Taking extra precautions, including frequent hand washing and taking HIV medications can help prevent some of these illnesses and their complications.

2.Fever and Night Sweats

People infected with HIV may experience long periods of low-grade fever. According to Ohio State University Wexler Medical Center, a temperature between 99.8 and 100.8 degrees Fahrenheit is considered to be a low-grade fever. A fever means that something is wrong, but the cause isn’t always obvious. Because it’s a low-grade fever, those who are unaware of their HIV-positive status may ignore the symptom. Sometimes, fever is accompanied by nighttime sweats that can interfere with sleep.

3.Skin rash

Skin rashes can occur early or late in the course of HIV/AIDS.

For Ron, this was another sign that he might not have run-of-the-mill allergies or a cold.

"They were like boils, with some itchy pink areas on my arms," Ron says. The rashes can also appear on the trunk of the body. "If [the rashes] aren't easily explained or easily treated, you should think about having an HIV test," Dr. Horberg says.

4. Weight loss

Once called "AIDS wasting," weight loss is a sign of more advanced illness and could be due in part to severe diarrhea.

"If you're already losing weight, that means the immune system is usually fairly depleted," Dr. Malvestutto says. "This is the patient who has lost a lot of weight even if they continue to eat as much as possible. This is late presentation. We still see a lot of these." It has become less common, however, thanks to antiretroviral therapy.

A person is considered to have wasting syndrome if they lose 10% or more of their body weight and have had diarrhea or weakness and fever for more than 30 days, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


The cough and the weight loss may also presage a serious infection caused by a germ that wouldn't bother you if your immune system was working properly.

"There are many different opportunistic infections and each one can present differently," Dr. Malvestutto says. In Ron's case, it was Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), aka "AIDS pneumonia," which eventually landed him in the hospital.

Other opportunistic infections include toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that affects the brain; a type of herpes virus called cytomegalovirus; and yeast infections such as thrush.


It’s risky to undergo plastic surgery for people’s attention – Stephanie Coker

Media personality, Stephanie Coker has spoken of the risks involved when one undergoes plastic surgery for the sole purpose of getting other people’s attention.

Her unpopular opinion comes at a time when so many Female celebs jump on the act and surgically improve their bodies just for the social media clout and fame.

It’s risky to undergo plastic surgery for people’s attention – Stephanie Coker

Sharing a bikini photo of herself, Stephanie Coker wrote:

“Although this was captured perfectly by renowned photographer @kelechiamadiobi This image Is not flawless and it has nothing to do with lighting, angles or the environment. It is because the subject herself is imperfect.

I always wanted to keep this image in my closet room for my eyes only. Until last week when a friend said she was going to get a BBL.

Now I am not opposed to one altering their looks, it is not my place to judge, however, I do find following such life threatening trends to grab the attention of others a bit risky. Especially when most men on this side of the world are walking around looking like Humpty Dumpty. There have been a handful of cases that I personally know of women who have lost their lives to plastic surgery.

I say all this to say, if you are going to get plastic surgery, please do it for yourself at least, and research the risks to your health and weigh up your options”

Lady shares her experience on how she almost died because of birth control

A lady has narrated how not wanting to get pregnant almost made her lose her life because she was on birth control.

Lady shares her experience on how she almost died because of birth control

In a post she shared on Instagram, she said she first noticed complications when she bled for a month during her period which is unusual. Paying a doctor a visit led to further complications.

She shared:

"My Birth control almost killed me literally. So boom story time…. since March 3 I was on my period and didn’t stop bleeding until April 6th, that never happened to me so I made a doctors appointment to figure out why I was bleeding so heavy. 

Turns out my IUD moved out of my uterus. So yesterday Monday the 8th I got my IUD taken out and they replaced it with a new one. But my body rejected the first one, so my smart self should have thought more before trying to put another one in there. 

So like 25 min go by I get home and I started vomiting viciously I was having hot flashes, passing out. I went back to the emergency room Monday night around 7pm and they said the new IUD was being pushed out my uterus what the hell I had to stay in the hospital to make sure my uterus didn’t get infected! I was in excruciating pain and this post is not for sympathy it is honestly to educate all my ladies out there all these hormones are unnatural and could be fatal. 

I literally almost lost my life just because I didn’t wanna end up pregnant. Now I’m moving forward and going #birthcontrolfree I refuse to be a victim. Now I’m going to play it safe and take better care of my body nothing unnatural is going in me ever again. Ladies please educate yourself about the birth control you are using I don’t want you to go through this !! "

5 Quick Signs Your Girlfriend is a Bad One for You

Below are 5 Early Signs your Girlfriend is a Bad one.

5 Quick Signs Your Girlfriend is a Bad One for You

Though it may hurt you especially after developing the relationship with a lot of hopes in your heart that this might be the right one, but there’s still some good to it if you won’t have to wait for too long, investing so much time and effort into the relationship and then find out that it wasn’t meant to be.

To know early enough that a girlfriend isn’t good for you, here are the signs you should look at for.

1. Refuses to acknowledge your emotions

A girlfriend that refuses to acknowledge your feelings, emotions or one who tries to downplay them is not great for you.

Lovers are meant to relate with each other’s feelings, to understand how the other person feels about certain emotional things and why they do the things they do.

If she’s trying to toy with your emotions, that’s an early sign for you on her inadequacy.

2. She says not to bother about too many things

This screams ‘secretive’ and secretive is not what you want from a new partner.

The foundation of every great relationship is placed on disclosure and shared secrets She should be willing to begin on a positive note with you, giving you an insight into her soul, fears, insecurities and building a bond with you over these things.

If she’s choosing to keep every single one of these things away from you right off the bat, my guy, maybe she’s not the one.

3. It’s always about her

If she’s selfishly manipulating conversations, making demands and steering every other thing to favour only her, that’s your cue to knowing that she’s a selfish one and would hardly be considerate of your needs.

4. Overly jealous

Jealousy is good in a way but only to a certain extent. If she’s crossing the margin of what is reasonable almost immediately, she’s not doing right. Maybe it’s time to run before you get in too deep?

5. Too clingy

Early on in the relationship, partners are always going to want to be with each other and spend time together and just rub off on each other and get as much of each other as possible but then there is still supposed to be an individuality to your existence.

If she’s showing signs immediately that she can literally not do anything without you, fam, that should cause a lot of problem along the line.

Better to address it now.

Low Intake of Red, Processed Meat Shorten Lifespan, New Study Reveals

Scientists have discovered new evidence that shows that when there's a low consumption of red and processed meat, it can increase health risks which may lead to shortening of the lifespan.

Low Intake of Red, Processed Meat  Shorten Lifespan, New Study Reveals

A step further from previous studies on the health implication of eating red and processed meat in large amounts, this new study shows that eating red meat occasionally may shorten lifespan.

The new study, which was carried out by researchers at Loma Linda University Health in California, looked at 96,000 Seventh-day Adventists in the US and Canada — which was later trimmed to 72,149.

Since about 50 per cent of Adventists are vegetarians, and those who do eat meat only eat small amounts, using this method allowed the researchers to investigate the effect of a low-level intake of red and processed meat compared to eating no meat in a large setting.

“A question about the effect of lower levels of intakes compared to no-meat eating remained unanswered,” said Saeed Alshahrani, the study’s lead author said.

“We wanted to take a closer look at the association of low intakes of red and processed meat with all-cause, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer mortality compared to those who didn’t eat meat at all.”

Using the data, the researchers investigated the death of more than 7,900 Adventists over an 11-year period. They also carried out a dietary assessment of the same individuals using food frequency questionnaires.

Findings revealed that among the participants who consumed meat, 90 per cent ate 2 ounces or less of red meat per day.

The study also showed that cardiovascular disease was responsible for almost 2,600 death cases, while more than 1,800 deaths related to cancer.

Published in the journal Nutrients, the study concluded that there was an association between the consumption of a combination of red and processed meats and a higher risk of both total and cardiovascular disease deaths.

Michael Orlich, co-author of the study, also said the findings supported the growing body of research which suggests that red and processed meats can have a negative effect on health.

“Our findings give additional weight to the evidence already suggesting that eating red and processed meat may negatively impact health and lifespan,” he said.