Not Every Woman will get Married - Ghanaian actress, Vicky Zugah

Ghanaian actress, Vicky Zugah, has stated that she is not rushing to get married because it is not meant for every woman.

Not Every Woman will get Married - Ghanaian actress, Vicky Zugah

Vicky revealed this in a Facebook Live video saying:

“Happiness comes from within and not from a marriage or your spouse. Not every woman is born to marry. Some women want to have a good career and travel around and be happy,"

“I would rather be single than to be married and be miserable. Looking at the divorce rate out there, I think I am okay being single right now,” she said.

Speaking on societal pressure to settle down, she said:

“The pressure is everywhere and it’s not funny anymore. Some women won’t marry because they haven’t found the right person and that is what I want people to understand,” she said.
