Man Arrested For Trying To have Sex With His Cat

A man in Arizona has been captured for supposedly having s-x in the shower with his pet cat. The Mesa Police Department reacted to a call of a cat in trouble residence located close to Val Vista Drive and University Drive on Wednesday.

 Man Arrested For Trying To have Sex With His Cat

There, an observer told authorities that 40-year-old Michael Navage, who is destitute, had taken his pet cat into the bathroom.

The caller heard the cat shouting and could hear Navage yelling that 'the cat was stuck on his penis'.

The caller told police that they additionally over and again heard the man consider the cat a 'w***e,' as per police reports gotten by

Navage is likewise said to have advised the cat to stop 's******g.'

A responding officer found the dad in the bathroom stripped with the cat incompletely enclosed by a towel close to his privates. Meth was additionally found inside the washroom.

Navage was demonstrated similar to a methamphetamine merchant who utilizes his medications deals to verify hotel and showers at different spots.

He is said to have had counterfeit cash and manufactured IDs and checks in his ownership, as indicated by police reports.

The cat was taken to a neighborhood veterinarian, who established that the cat had endured wounds on its posterior. The mishandled critter was additionally found to have past rib breaks and pelvic wounds that had recuperated after some time.

Navage told police that he had not had s-x with the cat, including that he had adored the pet since he got it as a little cat.

He over and again gloated to experts that the 'bigness' of his genitalia was too enormous to fit into the cat's butt, which implied that it was 'outlandish' for him to have s-x with the cat.

The man - who records himself similar to a Drug Lord on his second Facebook profile - has been accused of medication ownership, savagery and creature pitilessness.

Navage is expected in court on March 28.
